Based on the novel by Yannick Haenel, directed by Leonie Kubigsteltig
Commissioned by Theatre Erlangen
Winning concept of the upcoming directors competition with the topic “Utopia unknown”

A 90 min theatre piece with video projections. The piece is following the main character, Jean Deichel, who has just lost his job and apartment in Paris. He now lives in his car and discovers new perceptions on the edge of society. Simultaneously we experience a time in which more and more people are solidarizing with a movement of civil resistance against social inequality and marginalization of migrants and other population groups. They start burning their identification papers, following the movement of the Pale Fox, which aims for a utopia of a world that is liberated of identity. Migration is no contemporary phenomena. In the 17th century thousands of religiously persecuted fled from France to Erlangen. This piece examines the yesterday, today and tomorrow and how we are and always will be connected through ages and continents.


Shows: 27./28.10.2017 • 17./18.11.2017 • 15./16.12.2017 • 13./14.1.2018